Although certain doodle mixes have been all the rage since the 1960s—starting with cockapoos—it’s hard to ignore the more recent (albeit controversial) “doodle boom” that has reignited with curly cuties like golden and Labradoodles. Let’s dive into all the “doodle,” “oodle,” and “poo” combos, take a look at why they gained an almost cult-like following among dog lovers, and talk about how such adorable pups could cause such an uproar and controversy in recent years.
What Are Poodle Mixes And Why Are They So Popular?

Poodle mixes—often referred to, lovingly, as “doodles”—are a type of hybrid mix that crosses a purebred poodle with another dog breed in the hopes of producing pups with desired traits from both parents. We know what you might be thinking, “isn’t that just a mutt?”. Wellll……pretty, much, yea—but a highly sought after, beloved, and irrefutably cute mutt! So, what is it about poodles that make them such an enticing dog to crossbreed in the first place?
Poodle Traits And Personality:
Poodles have oodles of great physical characteristics and personality traits that pet parents everywhere are looking for in a dog. Some of these include qualities like:
- Intelligence: Poodles are among some of the most intelligent dog breeds.
- Sociability: They are affectionate toward their humans and very sociable in general.
- Trainability: Poodles are highly trainable and eager to please.
- Energy: They are great working dogs and have plenty of energy.
- Low-shedding: Although poodles require a good deal of grooming to maintain their coat, they are considered low-shedding compared to other breeds. (note: not all poodle mixes will be low-shedding!)
Are Poodle Mixes Actually Hypoallergenic?
Short answer: ehhh, technically, no.
There’s a good chance that you’ve heard of poodles being a hypoallergenic or non-shedding dog breed, but this is a bit of a misconception. First, let’s talk about the shedding. Although poodles are considered to be a low-shedding breed compared to say, a golden retriever or husky, they do still shed. In fact, any mammal with hair—including humans—is going to shed at least a little bit. (You know, like that hair you’re always cleaning out of the shower drain.) However, since poodles have a tight, curly-haired coat, any hairs they are shedding often become entangled among those lush spirals—resulting in less dog hair on your hardwood floors, but more grooming to keep their fur from matting. It’s important to remember, though, that some mixes take on the explosive shedding of the other breed!
Ok, so now let’s look at the “hypoallergenic” aspect. Contrary to what you might expect, research studies have found that poodles and poodle mixes actually contain higher levels of the dog allergen, “Can f 1”, compared to breeds labeled as non-hypoallergenic1. However, for reasons not quite understood yet, more than 80% of pet parents who are allergic to dogs report fewer symptoms with poodles and other dog breeds labeled as “hypoallergenic”2. So, for allergy sufferers who still want a dog, doodles can often be a better choice (but be sure to test this before going out and adopting!).
What Is The History Of Poodle Mixes?

Although it’s hard to trace their exact origins, the first appearance of poodle mixes begin to pop up in the United States in the 1960s, starting with Cockapoos—a mix between a cocker spaniel and poodle. In fact, these Cockapoos are the first known intentionally crossbred dogs, followed soon after by the beloved Labradoodles—a mix between a poodle and Labrador retriever— bred in Australia by Wally Conron in the 1980s.
With the Labradoodle, Conron set out to create a specific type of guide dog for a blind person whose husband was allergic to standard types of guide dogs. Initially, Conron tried to train a Poodle as a guide dog, but their temperaments were not suited for guide dog work as they were too high strung. Conron’s work in developing the Labradoodle follows centuries of artificial selection by humans to hone dogs’ behavior and physicality for jobs, not for their looks.
These last few decades of insight into hybrid poodle mixes quickly sprung into a sort of “doodle boom”, and a seemingly endless amount of different types of doodles. Combining poodle’s perceived hypoallergenic traits with traits from some of the world’s favorite dog breeds—such as golden retrievers and labs—has made doodles a new fan fav among dog lovers. Unfortunately, this increase in popularity also means that there are a lot more disreputable breeders (a.k.a backyard breeders) out there trying to cash in on these mixes’ popularity, while neglecting the health and safety of the dogs they’re breeding.
Backyard Breeders And Puppy Mills Create A Problem For Poodle Mixes
If you just look at a doodle mix, it’s no wonder they became so popular. They’re too stinkin’ adorable! But the absolute worst part of any dog breed becoming popular, is the backyard breeds, disreputable breeders, and puppy mills that pop up like crazy just trying to make a quick buck off of these cute faces, along with the fact that the increased demand creates lousy purchasing practices among pet parents.
A 2022 study, has shown that people purchasing these designer doodle mixes are more likely to buy from general selling websites, and less likely to see their puppy or meet the mother before the purchase, compared to those purchasing purebred puppies3. So, why is this a problem? Well, it creates a lot of lazy breeders who aren’t checking the health background of the dogs they’re breeding, and even worse, they lack concern for the welfare of any of the dogs who are under their care—keeping them in filthy, and often inhumane, living conditions. This practice has led to many doodles inheriting behavioral issues4, several eye disorders3, skin disorders5, and other various health issues. Once the puppies are placed in their new homes, the people who neglected to to a health-check on their puppy before purchasing are suddenly aware of their health issues, and sadly, surrender to the shelter because they’re unable to meet the dog’s needs.
This cycle has now turned doodles into a controversial breed, but it’s not the puppies’ faults! Of course, we still love them! But dog lovers don’t want this cycle to continue. So, how can you still get a doodle without contributing to the cycle of disreputable breeders? Adopt!
Where Can I Find A Poodle Mix?
Try starting your search for the doodle dog of your dreams at your local shelters, rescue groups (breed-specific rescues, too!), or by hopping on to sites like to search for the best poodle mix for you. Chances are you can find just about any dog breed (or mix breed combo) in need of a loving home.
Take advantage of GoodDog or the AKC Rescue Network to track down existing breed-specific rescues near you!
Related Article: 23 Ridiculously Cute Husky Mixes
What Are The Most Popular Poodle Mixes?
1. Labradoodle (Labrador + Poodle)

Surprisingly, Labradoodle mixes didn’t magically appear with the wave of a wand and a shouted “LABRACADABRA” incantation. But feel free to use that expression to train your labradoodle to come over to you and impress your friends. MAAAGIC!
It turns out that these pups were actually first bred back in the 1960s by an Australian man named Wally Conron. He wanted to breed a hypoallergenic guide dog for a blind woman in Hawaii who was allergic to dogs.
- Life expectancy: 12-16 years
- Weight: 50-90 pounds
- Height: 20-26 inches
2. Goldendoodle (Golden Retriever + Poodle)

Please don’t call them groodles. They’re better than that.
Although goldendoodles really started to gain popularity in the 1990s, they were being bred much earlier (around the 1960s) as an alternative to the labradoodle. Fun fact: Monica Dickens, great-granddaughter of Charles Dickens, is actually credited as being one of the first to breed a goldendoodle.
- Life expectancy: 10-15 years
- Weight: 45-100 pounds
- Height: 20-24 inches
3. Bernedoodle (Bernese Mountain Dog + Poodle)

Much like Bernese mountain dogs, Bernedoodles are known to be adorably gentle giants. The only problem is that they KNOW how adorable and awesome they are, which leads many of them to develop a stubborn streak. Ain’t no shame in being awesome, bernedoodles!
- Life expectancy: 12-15 years
- Weight: 50-90 pounds
- Height: 15-29 inches
4. Cockapoo (Cocker Spaniel + Poodle)

“Cockapoodle-poo!” Like an eager rooster announcing the start of a new day, cockapoos (sometimes called cockapoodles) were first on the scene of the poodle-mix craze of the 1960s. These guys started the trend of breeding more allergy-friendly oodle, doodle, and poo mixes.
- Life expectancy: 12-15 years
- Weight: 20-65 pounds
- Height: Up to 16 inches
5. Yorkiepoo (Yorkshire Terrier + Poodle)

She’s the lass with all the sass! These little pups have the playful spirit of a Yorkie and the intelligence of a poodle, making Yorkiepoos one spicy little ball of fluff.
- Life expectancy: 12-15 years
- Weight: 5-12 pounds
- Height: 7-10 inches
6. Maltipoo (Maltese + Poodle)

Maltipoos are said to have all the best qualities the Maltese and poodle, making them extremely friendly and lovable. They do, however, crave attention from their human companion and don’t like to be left alone long. (Us too, Maltipoo, us too.)
- Life expectancy: 10-13 years
- Weight: 5-20 pounds
- Height: 8-14 inches
7. Schnoodle (Schnauzer + Poodle)

It’s just incredibly fun to say! Schnoodle!
Some descriptions of this mixed breed label these pups as “forever happy.” Not only is this the best description we’ve ever read about any animal in existence, but that’s all the info we needed to decide that schnoodles now need to be placed at the top of everyone’s dog list.
- Life expectancy: 10-15 years
- Weight: 35-50 pounds
- Height: 15-20 inches
8. Jack-a-Poo (Jack Russell Terrier + Poodle)

These energetic little jack-a-poos are just about as silly and spunky as their name. Jack Russell terriers are the Energizer bunnies of the dog world, so expect these pups to go, go, and go some more – get that dog food ready!
- Life expectancy: 12-15 years
- Weight: 13-25 pounds
- Height: 10-15 inches
9. Peekapoo (Pekingese + Poodle)

Peekapoos have a mighty sense for adventure and a commanding bark for their wee size. This miniature poodle mix is playful and affectionate, but be sure to get them lots of exercise. (You might want to consider throwing in some free earplugs for the neighbors, too!)
- Life expectancy: 10-15 years
- Weight: 4-20 pounds
- Height: Up to 11 inches
10. Shih-poo (Shih Tzu + Poodle)

I can only imagine the first to discover the shih-poo calling a secret meeting, like:
Person: “Ok guys, we have a shih tzu and a poodle, so please shout out some name ideas for this breed.”
A slight whisper over the Zoom call: “shih t…”
Person: “NO! No Todd, we’re not calling it that!”
- Life expectancy: 10-15 years
- Weight: 8-18 pounds
- Height: 8-13 inches
11. Whoodle (Wheaten Terrier + Poodle)

You can’t convince us that a Whoodle isn’t the name of some mythical creature with a rich history of folklore. A pup this cute just can’t actually exist in real life. His silky coat has powers unbeknownst to mankind.
- Life expectancy: 12-15 years
- Weight: 20-45 pounds
- Height: 12-20 inches
12. Poogle (Beagle + Poodle)

It’s pretty hard not to chuckle at the name poogle. It’s delightfully goofy, much like these energetic little pups. Of all the poodle mixes, this breed seems to differ in color and hair length from litter to litter. Some puppies may take after the solid colors of their poodle parent, whereas others display more of their beagle parent’s splotchy-colored coat.
- Life expectancy: 10-13 years
- Weight: 11-25 pounds
- Height: 9-16 inches
13. Poochon (Bichon Frise + Poodle)

“Excuse me, do you have any grey poochons?” Their fancy-pants name matches their spicy attitudes. Get ready to wait on these pups hand and foot!
- Life expectancy: 12-15 years
- Weight: 6-17 pounds
- Height: 12-15 inches
Doodles We Think More People Should Know About (Because They’re Just So Dang Cute)
14. Newfypoo (Newfoundland Dog + Poodle)

If you have suddenly redirected your life goals toward the pursuit of adopting a Newfypoo after seeing their pics, we 100% support the endeavor. There can be no greater joy than cuddling up next to this soon-to-be giant bundle of fluff.
- Life expectancy: 8-12 years
- Weight: 70-150 pounds
- Height: 22-30 inches
15. Sheepadoodle (Old English Sheepdog + Poodle)

Had a rough year (or years)? We’re talking ugly-crying over your Cup-o-Noodles while watching trending cat dance TikToks in an attempt to cheer yourself up, kind of rough? Well I have some good news for you! Sheepadoodles are known for their keen sense of reading human emotions, and they make fantastic emotional support friends!
- Life expectancy: 10-15 years
- Weight: 65-85 pounds
- Height: 18-27 inches
16. Bordoodle (Border Collie + Poodle)

The border collie and poodle intelligence combo basically creates a bordoodle pup with a wicked smart superpower. They’re playful and energetic, but watch out for those stubborn streaks! They know what you’re asking them to do, they just don’t care. This cutie is a strong independent dog who don’t need no human.
- Life expectancy: 12-15 years
- Weight: 30-60 pounds
- Height: 15-22 inches
17. Pyredoodle (Great Pyrenees + Poodle)

If Pyredoodles existed in human form, they would be one of those people on the street with a sign reading, “FREE HUGS!”
- Life expectancy: 10-12 years
- Weight: 85-100 pounds
- Height: 22-32 inches
18. Irish Doodle (Irish Setter + Poodle)

The Irish Doodle lives up to its adorable name. But puppy eyes and cuddles aren’t the only thing this designer dog breed is capable of- with proper training, they can excel in hunting and retrieving, much like their parent breed!
- Life expectancy: 10-13 years
- Weight: 40-70 pounds
- Height: 13-15 inches
19. Saint Berdoodle (Saint Bernard + Poodle)

What dog breed do you get when a Poodle mixes with a Saint Bernard? The answer is pure cuteness. I mean, just look at those curls…
- Life expectancy: 10-12 years
- Weight: 110-200 pounds
- Height: 24-30 inches
20. Pit Boodle (Pitbull + Poodle)
Yep, you read that right! The Pit Boodle is a less common designer dog, but nonetheless a great companion. With proper care and training, this poodle mix will be happy to please and accompany any dog owner.
- Life expectancy: 9-15 years
- Weight: 40-70 pounds
- Height: 18-24 inches
21. Bossi Poo (Boston Terrier + Poodle)
This Boston terrier mix is sometimes referred to as a Boston Poodle or Boston Poo, but we prefer Bossi Poo. With a name like that, you know this dog’s fit for a boss.
- Life expectancy: 12-15 years
- Weight: 25-50 pounds
- Height: 10-15 inches
22. Cavapoo (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel + Poodle)

You better surrender your throne and be prepared to treat this mixed breed like royalty! He is a prince, you know. Their parent breed, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, has long been a popular dog among the Royal Family (don’t tell any Cavapoos though, we don’t want it getting into their heads!)
- Life expectancy: 10-15 years
- Weight: 7-18 pounds
- Height: 9-14 inches
23. Scoodle (Scottish Terrier + Poodle)

Don’t be fooled, this small dog comes with confidence and knows what it wants. They’ll be sure to give the neighbor’s Bernese Mountain Dog or Golden Retriever an earful, even though they may be outweighed by over 100 pounds!
- Life expectancy: 12-15 years
- Weight: 9-20 pounds
- Height: 8-14 inches
24. Bassetoodle (Basset Hound + Poodle)
No, this isn’t the name of our recently developed musical instrument for dogs (although we think it could work)! It’s just one of the many names this adorable doodle dog goes by.
- Life expectancy: 12-15 years
- Weight: 20-30 pounds
- Height: 12-16 inches
25. Aussiedoodle (Australian Shepherd + Poodle)

While some may look like walking balls of fluff, we promise there’s a dog under all that fur. Bursting with energy and always showing affection, this breed is a perfect companion for any dog owner.
- Life expectancy: 10-12 years
- Weight: 25-70 pounds
- Height: 14-23 inches
26. Chow Doodle (Chow Chow + Poodle)
Chow Doodles, sometimes called Chow Poo, are often compared to cats as they enjoy keeping to themselves and have an easygoing nature. But don’t worry, this designer dog isn’t a total loner, they love to please their owners just as much.
- Life expectancy: 10-14 years
- Weight: 40-70 pounds
- Height: 17-25 inches
1Vredegoor, Doris W., et al. “Can F 1 Levels in Hair and Homes of Different Dog Breeds: Lack of Evidence to Describe Any Dog Breed as Hypoallergenic.” Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Mosby, 22 June 2012,
2Lockey, Richard F. “The Myth of Hypoallergenic Dogs (and Cats).” Jaci Online, The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 1 Oct. 2012,
3Burnett, E., et al. “How Much Is That Doodle in the Window? Exploring Motivations and Behaviours of UK Owners Acquiring Designer Crossbreed Dogs (2019-2020) .” SpringerLink, Canine Medicine and Genetics, 24 May 2022,
4Shouldice VL, Edwards AM, Serpell JA, Niel L, Robinson JAB. Expression of Behavioural Traits in Goldendoodles and Labradoodles. Animals. 2019; 9(12):1162.
5Foley, Mary D. “Cockapoo.” Google Books, Kennel Club Books: Designer Dog Series, 2006,