When asked about man’s best friend some of the first things that probably come to mind are playful, fun loving and all around pupstastic. 😉 However, there are a few other things said out there about our puppers that are simply not true.
1. Dogs and cats hate each other.
Weirdly enough this one isn’t always true.
2. They’re way too much work.
We’d say they’re just enough.
3. Pit Bulls are ferocious.
Pit Bulls are just as kind and patient as any other dog breed when raised in a loving environment.
4. They would grow out of chewing in no time.
Three years later…
5. They can eat table scraps.
Not all table scraps are safe for dogs. Always check to make sure what your feeding them is safe. We always recommend asking your vet before feeding your dog anything new.
6. They all want you to pet them.
Not all dogs are the same, and they each have their own personality and preferences. While some dogs go crazy for a belly rub, others may not want to be bothered. Always check with a dog’s owner before petting.
7. They pee on fire hydrants.
The tree, garden, and kitchen floor – its all fair game to them.
8. Dogs are color blind.
While dogs do see a different color range than humans do, they can see more than just black, white, and gray.
9. Dogs eat grass when they are sick.
Grass can be a normal part of a wild dog’s diet and, while it’s normal for dogs to eat small amounts, you should always check with your vet if you think your dog may be ill.
10. A wagging tail means they are happy.
While this is sometimes true, it isn’t always the case. Dogs use their tail to show signs of happiness as well as aggression and agitation.
11. They can eat leftover dinner bones.
Do NOT feed your dog your leftover bones. Cooked dinner bones can splinter and cause your dog an internal injury.
12. A dog licking his wounds heals them.
If your dog has an open wound it’s best to call a veterinarian.
13. All dogs love one another.
Some dogs would rather not socialize with other four-pawed creatures, and that’s okay.
14. All small dogs love to be dressed up.
Some might find it a bit chilly and absolutely love being bundled up, but some prefer to go au naturel.
15. Dogs need to wear jackets in the winter.
Do they need them? Not always. Will we buy them anyway? Of course! Most dogs have dense coats to keep them warm in the water without any additional insolation.
16. You need to take dogs to the groomer.
Some breeds need regular visits to the groomer, but some might just need a nail clipping every once in a while. Learning how to do it on your own could save you bones, but you should always take your dog’s lead. Groomers have the experience and equipment to keep your pup properly groomed safely.
17. Dogs need to be professionally trained.
If your dog doesn’t have any behavioral issues that may put him or anyone else in danger, you can train your dog by utilizing apps, video tutorials, and other online resources.
h/t We Are The Cure