Sherlock and Watson are Bull-Pei brothers that are 10 months old. Watson gets all the attention while Sherlock gets overlooked. If this were The Brady Brunch, Watson would be the beautiful, popular Marsha and Sherlock would be the overlooked middle child, Jane. And yes, it’s totally unfair.
Here are 16 of the most obnoxious (and rude) things Sherlock hears every day, along with his thoughts on the matter.
1. “Your dog is so beautiful!”
“Ouch! We are standing right next to each other. It’s like I’m invisible.”
2. “Watson is so cool-looking!”
“We are BOTH cool. Just like Liam and Chris Hemsworth – two brudders who are both dead sexy.”
3. “They’re siblings? I’d never have guessed!”
“Geez, do you not see all deez wrinkos? Very much the same. This is not a Kim and Khloe situation here.”
4. “What is he?”
“HELLO! He is me! BOTH English Bulldog/Shar-Pei mix! One guy called me a Pug before. You believe that? I’m waaaay more sophisticated design than Pug. Think of me like Ferrari and Pug like dump truck.”
5. “She’s nice too.”
“What, you think Sherlock is a girl’s name?”
6. “Watson looks like a teddy bear!”
“Umm, hello! I’m exotic, too! No one on the PLANET has seen a dog like me!”
7. “I bet Watson’s smart!”
“Not even close. Watson just want treets without earning them. I do all the work!”
8. “Does Watson do a bunch of tricks?”
“No! Look at meeeee! I know lots of commands. Watson doesn’t know anything. He whines, cries, and expects to be carried through life. He’s the Justin Bieber of the dog kingdom.”
9. “Oh, yeah, Sherlock seems nice too.”
“Yeah, it’s like hearing someone tell Katherine Jackson that Tito is important too right after gushing over Michael being the greatest ever.”
10. “I bet Sherlock really loves having Watson to play with.”
“Play with? He needs ME! He doesn’t even know how to steal the toilet paper on his own. Gosh.”
11. “Are they friends?”
“I’m his best friend! Everyone else only cares about his looks, but I understand the real him.”
12. “Is Watson here? I want to see Watson!”
“Everyone’s so excited to see Watson, but you know what? He has too many wrinkos on his eyes. He can’t even see you.”
13. “What’s Sherlock’s problem?”
“What’s my problem? YOU! I AM NOT A SECOND BANANA!!”
14. “Watson’s so sweet!”
“If by sweet you mean super dumb. He gets stuck under the couch every day. He’s lucky he has his good looks because there’s not much else going on for him.”
15. “Can I take a picture of Watson?”
“Why take a picture of 8 when you have a perfect 10 right here!! I mean, come on people!”
16. “What a cute pair!”
“Finally! Yes, we are a team, see? Brothers until the end.”