When I first found out that dogs fit in Baby Björn, my heart exploded. And my life hasn’t been the same since.
Of course, the dogs subjected to this loss of dignity have their own opinions. Here are 13 dogs in baby carriers that wish this wasn’t a thing. But it is. It so is.
1. “Please, just have a baby already and put me out of my misery.”
2. “Halp.”
3. “I thought my life would be one of luxury. I was wrong.”
4. “Who is responsible for this.”
5. “Sometimes, I want to run away. Now is one of those times.”
6. “My life is ruined. How will I face the fellas at the dog park?”
8. “PLEASE. I beg you. Make it stop!”
9. “Is this for that time I threw up in front of your friends? I said I was sorry.”
10. “I didn’t think this day would come. But it’s here now. I’m a tiny hooman.”
11. “I think it’s time we see other people.”
12. “Really? You couldn’t think of a more creative way to embarrass me?”
13. “This is worse than that time you took away my nuggets.”