In a world obsessed with perfect teeth, some pups choose to go au naturel (mostly because dentists don’t accept payment in treats).

But one New York dog is tired of walking around with a busted grill noticeably decaying teeth, so she’s getting them fixed. It’s not that Gizmo, Strand Bookstore‘s resident pup, cares what the haters say.

It’s just that sometimes, like when you eat too many treats Mother Nature decides it’s time, your teeth walk out on your face. Which is seriously messed up, but I guess commitment doesn’t mean anything to some of us.

And it’s just like teeth to NOPE out of your life without thinking about the consequences.

So you start uploading selfies to your Instagram account of you looking like you’re having lots of fun so no one can tell you’re breaking on the inside.

But finally your human says enough is enough and makes an appointment for you at the dentist and it’s like, really? Really?

Gizmo’s getting her teeth removed today, which we think will just make her look derpier (and pawssibly a lot like TunaMeltsMyHeart). Sending out belly rubs and hugs to Gizzy and her human! To follow along as Gizzy ups her teeth game, check her out on Instagram!