
Handsome Meat Head Missing Half His Jaw Has A Whole Heart Full Of Love

Written by: Arin Greenwood

March 20, 2016

This handsome Pit Bull came into the shelter bearing the marks of an awful life: Half his jaw is missing, causing his tongue to dangle. His ears have been butchered. His foot pads are raw.

Rebecca Taylor, with the Kansas-based rescue group Unleashed, says:

His joints are not very strong. His skin and coat are in rough shape and he needs to gain weight. Anyone can see he has been through horrible treatment.

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Because of his blocky Pit Bull head, and his serious injuries, this cutie faced a high risk of euthanasia in the shelter — which is exactly why Unleashed was so determined to save him.

Rebecca told us:

Some would look at Jelly and not want anything to do with him, with us it’s the exact opposite. We know he needs us to help him heal for all the time he was abused and neglected. He also will teach us so much about life and love.


The dog’s name is Mr. Jelly Lord now, after a famous jazz pianist. He’s in a foster home, where Jelly’s learning basic commands while coming to enjoy stuffed animals, rubber Kongs, balls, ice cream, and love, so much love.

"Foster-mom says I am a quick learner."

Posted by Mr. Jelly Lord on Friday, March 11, 2016

He thinks he is a lap-dog, and nuzzles into you regardless of time and place.


As Unleashed puts it on Facebook, Mr. Jelly Lord thinks: “I may be missing half of my jaw, but my heart is definitely whole!”


It’s impossible to say how Jelly lost his jaw. Rebecca has some dark theories involving almost unimaginable cruelty. What we do know is that Jelly’s jaw will never grow back; his physical wounds will never fully heal.

But he will be healthy, and he “has already forgiven the humans that gave him so much pain,” says Rebecca. There is no anger in his heart, only joy.


In a few weeks more, this big, sweet guy will go on the market for a permanent home. Rebecca would like Jelly to be adopted into a family where his incredible resilience will be appreciated.

And, perhaps even more importantly, where Jelly can stop having to be so strong.

Jelly may look like a dog that has been through horrible abuse. And he is. But we want him to just be able to be a dog, carefree, happy and loved. He deserves that chance.

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Adoption applications for Mr. Jelly Lord can be filled out at then emailed to [email protected]. Out of state adopters will be considered, though they would have to come visit in person, at the shelter in Mission, Kansas.

You can also ogle Mr. Jelly Lord from afar on Facebook.

Get in touch at [email protected]!

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Written by: Arin Greenwood

March 20, 2016

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