Congratulations to our lucky 200! Each of our winners has been notified—thank you so very much for sharing your stories with us.
- Steven Johnson + Balto (Siberian Husky)
- Ronald Williams + Josie (Jack Russell Terrier)
- Adamarie Mata + Dino Nugget (Maltipoo)
- Adrian Castellanos + Grizz (Pomeranian)
- Aimee Perlmutter + Huey (Havanese/Mini Poodle)
- Amanda Burson + Oliver (Boston Terrier)
- Susie Warren + Poopy (French Bulldog)
- Alisha Ruiz + Bella (APBT Mix)
- Ashley Allegretti + Alfredo (Shiba Inu Mix)
- Alyssa McMillan + Suki (German Shepherd mix)
- Amanda Dittman + Woo (Shiba Inu Mix)
- Ashley Blair + Ben (Mixed)
- Amelie Evans Magnolia Havanese
- Anna Labedz + Theo (Dachshund/beagle mix)
- Lex Wilbert + Oso (Corgi)
- Amy Sturges + Frank (Pit Bull)
- Andrea Lape + Spanky (Flat Coated Retriever Mix)
- Cemil Arici + Penny (West Highland White Terrier)
- Andrea Swindall + Journie (Dachshund Chihuahua Mix)
- Andrew Hangartner + Francine (Mix)
- Alex Richter + Lei Lei (Jack-Chi)
- Ashley Hosler + Riley (Mixed)
- Ashley Pontinen + Lilah (Aussie/Black lab/Retriever)
- Ashley Garcia + Moose (Rescue/AmStaff Mix)
- Athena Marenghi + Bronwyn (Pitbull Mix)
- Audrey Zoesch + Sam (Border Collie Mix)
- Audrie Seefeldt + Mocha & Moonshine (American Bully)
- Rheannon Ayala + Hudson (Blue Heeler)
- Trilby Valdez + Oden (Golden Retriever)
- Bailee Richardson + Cooper (Australian Shepard)
- Leah Chavara + Millie (Husky)
- Blaine Anderton + Gentry (Border Collie)
- Jessica Blaze + JĂĽrgen (Mountain Cur/Pit mix)
- Luis Hernandez Rincon + Murphy (Cardigan Welsh Corgi)
- Imra Bhandair + Nala (Dogo Argentino)
- Brittany Pierce + TOBI (Yorkshire)
- Briana Brown + COOPER (Boxer)
- Carley Shears + Reign (German Shepherd)
- Trveor Engre +Jake (French Bulldog)
- Mack Weldon + Eleanor Roosevelt (Boxer/Lab Mix)
- Colton Brooks + Opie (Golden Retriever)
- Jillain Engre + Benny (German Shepherd)
- Michelle Landon + Winston/Ropyr/Lola (Huskydoodle/Labradoodle/Golden Retriever)
- Christina Calderone + Molly (Great pyranese and golden retriever)
- Ciera Joyner + Mabel (Mix)
- Camie Clark + Callie (Border Collie)
- Juila Nisesn + Misty (Mixed-Breed)
- Crystal Manzella + Bandit (Blue Heeler/Australian Shepherd)
- Cyndi Krause + Rocky, Rosie, River (Miniature pinscher)
- Cylie Swenson + Brewley (Collie mix)
- Dawn Powers + Karma (Pit bull mix)
- Dawn Kadrmas + Scout (Shepherd mix)
- Korie Delissio + Oliver (Pitbull mix)
- Carlin Nedi + Rosie (Belgian Tervuren)
- Danny Lang + Waffles (Golden Retriever)
- Donna Cammisa + Ellie (Chihuahua)
- Dominic Worth + Dunkin (Corgi)
- Donna Li + Lola (American village dog)
- Delana Spong + Whitley (English Setter)
- Elizabeth Grubbs + Harley (English Mastiff)
- Erin Booth + Flower (Maltese-Long Hair Chihuahua)
- Erin Elari + Skooby (Pitty)
- Casey Gable + Nemo (Border Collie)
- tprreylee jmaes + Jax (German Shepherd)
- Beth Lewis + Chumlee (Mixed Austrian Shepard/Collie)
- Gabrielle Montes + Chino (Yorkshire terrier)
- Gabriella Bussani + Autumn (Shihtzu)
- Gabby Duncan + Raiden (Great Pyreneess/Lab)
- April Gomez + Ginny (Yorkie)
- Hannah Stirman + Tree Rat’s Worst Enemy – Winston (Pitty Mix)
- Hannah Evans + Faith (Great Pyrenees)
- Heidi Yost + Baily (Labrador)
- Kevin Cole + Sandy (German Shepherd)
- YingYing Li + Cleo (Husky)
- Inez Fabian O’Sullivan + Greta (Mix)
- Ryan Cpnnolly + Ruby (Irish Setter)
- Isis Rosado + Cali (Pomeranian)
- Jacqueline Cortes + Sophie (Husky Mix)
- Jacqui Kegel + Gemma (Pitbull boxador mix)
- Jaimee Lopez + Donnabella & Mimi (Chihuahua Terriers)
- Julie Peterson + Bella (Lab)
- Jacob Colee + Ashton Robert Colee (Schnauzer + Beagle = Schneagle? All the best kinds.)
- Joseph Cordero + Scooby (Mutt wiener dog)
- Jennifer Beaster + Toulouse (Yorkshire terrier)
- Jennifer Choate + Sarge (German Shepherd)
- Jennifer Ramirez + Rocky (Pitbull mix)
- Jessica Barfield + Blue & Echo (German Shepherds)
- Jessica Rousseau + Tucker (Mixed)
- Jessica Grennen + Lucy Mae (Lab Bassett Hound Mix)
- Jim Hale + Kona (Shetland sheepdog)
- Jess Wilson + Bogey (Golden Retriever)
- Jordan Langan + Bourbon (Basset Aussie Mix)
- Joselyn Miller + Rose (Staffordshire Terrier Mix)
- natalie ceblalos + Diesel (Staffordshire Bull Terrier)
- Teri Jackson + Millie (Briewer Yorkie)
- Julie Pyle + Thunder (Poodle)
- Page Potter + Cloudy (English Mastiff)
- Karen Rieker + Luna (Pembroke Welsh Corgi)
- Karin Adair + Summit (Giant schnauzer)
- Katelynn Conley + Yuki (Husky)
- Kim Culbertson + Dutton (Miniature Dauschound)
- Keatun Lee + Phoebe (Golden Retriever)
- Donna Schreiber + Spunky (Dachshund)
- Kirsa Summers + Oliver (Terrier mix)
- Danae Taylor + Sploot (Corgi)
- Kiersten Oliver + Lola Oliver (German Shepherd/ Lab mix)
- Makayla Kontour + Rookie Gorge (Boxer pitbull mix)
- Katherine Brown + Winston (Pembroke Welsh Corgi)
- Laura Kowalik + Winston (Chihuahua/Dachsund/other)
- Kayla Felty + Colton (American fox hound mutt)
- Karli Samoson + Tucker (Jackapoo)
- Karen Bellomy + Toby (pitbull)
- Kayla Renteria + Fender (Pom-Chi)
- Kyle Jantzen + Scout (Brittany Spaniel)
- Destaney Sperry + Olaf (English Mastiff)
- Laura Townsend + Jasper (lab)
- Lauren Benn + Joy (A mix of multiple breeds)
- Silvia Leija + Castiel (Chiweenie mix)
- Lana Holt + Buck (XL Bully/Hound/Lab)
- Lindsey Torkkel + Daisy (Yellow Labrador)
- Leslie Hernandez + Hermes (Pug)
- Letitia Lubbe + Daisy (Dachshund)
- Lisa Maasen + TT (Mixed bully breed)
- Louis Ruiz + Luke (German shepherd)
- Melissa Benskin + Kodi (Chorkie)
- Melissa Stevens + Ghost (English bulldog)
- Margaret Ehrmin + Percy (Pug)
- Mariana Calvo + Bean (Pitbull Mix)
- Marleen Rodgers + Jackie (Whoodle)
- Marleny Lopez + Luciano (American Bully)
- Carter Mascilak + Sprout (Standard poodle)
- Oma Sirles + Meghan (Dachshund)
- Mia Rodriguez + Toby (German Shepherd)
- Michelle Petrash + Butters (American bully mix)
- Meredith Bellina + Barry (Pit mix)
- Monique Warner + Elvis (Weiner dog)
- Cameron Moore + Rufus (GSD/Blue Healer/Husky)
- Genni Lori + Rufus (American Staffordshire Terrier)
- Rya Moran + Wallace (Pit mix)
- Morgan Lewis + Beaux (Staffy/pit)
- Lauren Lavigne + Maggie (ridgeback mix)
- Brandon Nalley + Fungus (American Bully)
- Nathaniel Zeno + Glaceon (Wolfdog)
- Neva Lozada + Kylo (Dalmatian)
- Nikki Winston + Bailey (Mini Australian Shepherd)
- Kerry Lemmer + Daisy (Chihuahua mix)
- Olivia Dalfonso + Bergeron (great pyr mix)
- Ryan Connloly + Izzy (Labrador Retriever)
- Mary McVay + River & Olaf (Maltipoo)
- Jenna Pruitt + Otis and Taz (Pug and Dachshund)
- Elizabeth Secor + Miles (Airedale Terrier)
- Perla Diaz + Venus (Mixed-Pitbull/Chihuahua)
- Jenn Graves + Toga (English bulldog)
- Fanechka Addi + Bandit (Golden Retriever)
- Henry Alcide + Otis (Chihuahua)
- Racheal Nuckels + Brownie (Chihuahua Dachshund)
- Rachel Arigoni + Finn (Corgi)
- Rachel Safford + Henry (Frenchie)
- Robert Crady + Buck (Belgian Malinois)
- Remelee Bivin + Buttons (Mini schnauzer)
- Karl Burr + Timber (Mixed)
- Kellianne Robinson + Missy (Dachshund mix)
- Racheal Safier + Rocket (Shorkie)
- Spencer Ray + Rio (Schnoodle (Schnauzer Poodle))
- Sarah Wido + Hawkins (Pittie/Chow Chow/Boxer)
- Kirsten Schilder + Buster (Lab mix)
- Aimee Scoville + Kobe (Pit bull mix)
- Shelly Mccain + Griffin (Ewok)
- Sonia Diaz + Memphis (Bull terrier)
- Soren French + Maverick (Chocolate Lab)
- Sean Feng + Julep (Giant Schnauzer)
- WrndyF Zheng + Lucky (golden retriever)
- Alycr iKssane + Lucky (Border Collie)
- Ashley Shannon + Kali (German shepherd)
- Sharon Yeung + Junebug (Cardigan Welsh Corgi)
- Tabby Oakes + Pixie (Corgi)
- Tammy Ilk + Chelsea (German Pinscher)
- Taylor Wenokur + Chester Cheese (American Bulldog)
- Brenda Taylor + Jasper (Chihuahua mix)
- taylor turley + Remi (Boxer)
- Ted Colanduno + Molly (Great Pyrenees/Retriever mix)
- Teresa Hidalgo + Luna (German Australian Shepherd)
- Terri Frazier + Cortex (Aussiedor)
- Theresa Campofelice + rogan (mixed lab)
- Kris Walt + Harley, Duncan, Dexter (Pittie heeler chow)
- Corrinne Maggi + Remy (Basset Hound)
- Jill Scagliotti + mook (rottweiler)
- Trinity Jackson + Scout (American Pitbull)
- Tess Rooney + Reggie (staffordshire terrier mix)
- Taylor Salkind + Banks (Pitbull Mix)
- Marc Alcide + Jasper (Bichon Frise)
- Cyrsu Xiong + Izzy (English Springer Spaniel)
- Lela Fern + Bear (Husky)
- Emma Walter + Nash (Pomeranian)
- Anjaliqeu Lro + Cooper (Staffordshire Bull Terrier)
- Alexandria Wheeler + Opie (Mutt)
- Tiffany Smith + Xena (Rottweiler)
- Holly Harrell + Everly (Great Dane)
- Yvonne Stork + Lunchbox (Maltese/bichon/poodle)
- Zach Smith + Rocco (Chihuahua)
If your name is on this list but you did not receive notification, reach out to [email protected] so we can get you tatted!