Love Dogshaming? Get the Dogshaming book or the 2015 Dogshaming calendar! 2015 will be a shamefully long year.
The Newfoundland is a gorgeous breed with a pleasant personality to go with its good looks. But are they without shame? Ha! We have yet to meet a breed that can’t be shamed.
Here are 10 Newfies that prove no dog is shameless.
1. “I have never seen that cake before in my life.”

2. “Because Leroy’s a cat.”

3. “I’m sorry, were you playing with this ball?”

4. “Since I was already on the ‘naughty’ list…Well, at least it tasted nice.” #WorthIt

5. In a world full of delicious dog poo, one pup dares to defy expectation.

6. “Some people find my saliva endearing…”

7. “Actually, I DOG all the space in the kitchen.”

8. “He started it!”

9. “The half of me that did it was the Newfie half.”

10. “What’s she need a blanket for when she’s got me?”