I was talking with a good friend of mine about what it was like to grow up with a Golden Retriever. “It’s like being right all the time,” he said. And he’s totally on the money. I mean, when you own a dog that’s this cute, this playful, and more loyal than Hodor to Bran, how can you go wrong?
1. First off, owning a Golden is like owning the cuddliest, most adorable teddy bear in the world.
2. They’re super patient with babies.

3. And smart as all get out.

4. Though sometimes you may question their choices.

5. They’re easy to train.
6. And can be super helpful around the house.

7. Or at least try to be…
8. They’re good at making friends with even the worst of enemies, too!

9. And can fall asleep in some pretty interesting places.
10. They’re not very picky eaters
11. (Though they may be a bit adverse to lemons.)
12. Which means, sometimes they can get a bit…hefty.

13. But that just means there is more belly to rub!
14. They’re quick with a smile.
15. Even if it’s a slightly derpy one.
16. Or a REALLY derpy one.
17. And will always bring a smile to your face.

18. They’re incredibly playful.
19. And are called “retrievers” for a reason.

20. But best of all, they’re just all around sweethearts.