Friendly warning: This post is not intended for tiny humans. Also, we apologize in advance to any puppies whose feelings we hurt.
Let’s get one thing perfectly straight here: puppies are cute, but they are also dicks. Furry little dicks.
Don’t get us wrong — we love all dogs equally, but in the interest of keepin’ it real, we’ve got to admit that puppies are needy little mutherpuppers.
If you’re nodding your head in agreement right now, congratulations.
If you think we’re meanies for making the assertion that puppies are tremendous jerkfaces, allow us to explain. In an effort to raise awareness about senior dogs looking for furever homes, authors Eric and Sara Sims have bravely written a controversially titled book.
And we LOVE it. The premise is simple: people tend to become smitten with young puppies because, well, they’re frickin’ adorable. But this often means older dogs are overlooked, and many never make it out of the shelter. Author Eric Sims says:
“People are turned off by literature, commercials, etc. about pet adoption because they are full of guilt and sadness. I want to take this heavy subject and flip it by entertaining people and making them laugh.”
Falling in love with a puppy is easy, but it takes more than just those initial feelings of warm fuzziness to provide a good home.
“What [many people] don’t realize is that with great cuteness comes great responsibility. A lot of people aren’t ready for that responsibility and the dogs end up back in shelters.”
The Sims hope that addressing this issue using humor will encourage people to share the message. And, of course, a percentage of the book’s sales will go towards helping senior shelter dogs across the country.
Here’s a video of a cute girl reading Puppies Are Dicks because it’s hilarious:
To find out more, check out Seriously, go check it out. Follow them on Instagram and Twitter. You can also visit their store to get yourself sweet “Puppies Are Dicks” gear like this:
Most importantly, spread the word. Adopt senior dogs. You can download BarkBuddy to find adoptable singles in your area.
Use the hashtag #PuppiesAreDicks and let us know why puppies are supreme dicks!