There are a lot of things that I get excited about in life: new seasons of Game of Thrones, Baltimore Orioles Baseball, the Hanson Brothers Beer, MmmHops. However, if you add up how excited I get about all those things, it would still pale in comparison to how excited dogs get riding in a car. We humans see a car ride as a means to get from point A to point B. Our dogs, however, see car rides as a means to get from some boring place to a Magical Valhalla-like super highway of high winds and tasty bugs. It’s a lip-slapping, ear-flapping, tail-thwapping adventure on the open road!
These pups know exactly what they’re in store for.
And this handsome group can’t wait for the journey to begin.
What’s not to like about a car ride? It’s nice to feel the sun on your smoosh face.
And have some quality tuneage time.
And with the wind in your hair…
…while you’re sitting atop somebody else’s…
…it’s hard for your face not to expand and contort into a smile!
Well, a freakish expression that looks something like a smile.
I mean, literally all dogs love car rides. From tall, lanky derpos…
…to the short, pudgy derpees.
Who knows? Maybe some day dogs will take control and learn to drive themselves!
Ah, who are we kidding?! We could never live in a universe as glorious as that …or could we?