
Don’t Get Confused: What’s The Difference Between Hemp Oil & CBD Oil For Your Dog?

Written by: Dr. Katy Nelson

May 28, 1999

Take your seats, notebooks out. *taps chalkboard* If you’re considering employing a little extra help managing your dog’s anxiety, chronic pain, or other emotional or physical conditions, you’re in the right class. CBD and hemp seed oils are each effective in their own ways, but how do you know which one is the better choice?

You can put the beakers and lab coat away, it doesn’t have to be complicated.

Hemp oil is a non-psychoactive component extracted directly from the seeds of hemp plants. When pressed together, they secrete an oil that’s chock full of Omega-6 and Omega-3 essential fatty acids, Omega-9, GLA (gamma linolenic acid), and a collection of healthy proteins and amino acids. Sometimes, this compound can contain low levels of CBD.

This ingredient concoction is great for improving skin and coat health, reducing joint pain, and boosting immune system function, though unlike CBD oil, its benefits are mostly nutritional.

CBD (cannabidiol) is made from a different part of the hemp plant: the flowers, leaves, and stalks. Like hemp oil, CBD is free of THC, but it contains cannabinoids that can promote stress and anxiety relief, and may help reduce inflammation, chronic pain, anxiety, and seizure episodes according to some anecdotal evidence.

Dogs who suffer from separation anxiety, noise phobias (like fireworks or thunder), car sickness, and even joint pain related to aging or other medical conditions may be able to find relief with daily or intermittent doses of CBD. It certainly takes some of the stress and worry off their humans’ shoulders.

If you believe CBD extract could help your pup live his best life, consider which form would be easiest for both of you. CBD is available as an oil that you can give orally or add to your dog’s food, or as a biscuit. Remember that each dog is an individual and it takes time and consistency to find the best dose and frequency of dosing for their needs.

Take a look at these CBD extracts and CBD biscuits, and please feel free to chat with a product expert on to help answer any additional questions!

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Written by: Dr. Katy Nelson

May 28, 1999

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