We hope you remembered all of the moms in your life on Mother’s Day last week, most importantly the ones with furry children that are shaped like dogs (hint: they ARE dogs). As Andre 3000 once so eloquently put it: “this one right here goes out to all the baby’s mamas, mamas, mamas, mamas, baby mamas, mamas.” Here are 17 signs you just might be a crazy dog mom.
1.This dog mom knows that her babies COULD have a chair of their own, but prefers to share.

2. This pup is stalling blowing out his candles because he can’t think of a good wish…

3. His mom knows it’s important for her dog baby to travel in style.

4. These lucky pooches have a mom that knows sweets can be good in moderation.

5. This dog mom knows her pup’s strengths and weaknesses.

6. Some moms keep photos of their babies in their wallet. This mom does this.

7. This mom had the right idea when she put her pup’s pictures on a computer mouse pad.

8. Sometimes a dog mom’s actions make her seem cuckoo bananas. Yes, she is in the cage. No she doesn’t regret it.

9. This dog mom is constantly on the go.

10. When her pup was too afraid to pose with the Easter Bunny by his lonesome, this momma offered to pose too.

11. Did this dog mom pay a professional photographer to capture this quotidian little moment of nail filing while sitting on a dock?

12. Sure her dog already sleeps in her bed, but that’s not nearly enough for this dog mom.

13. This dog mom loves her babies so much she inked them onto her body permanently.

14. This dog mom went above and beyond by baking some treats for her baby and his friends.

15. Instead of throwing some serious moo-lah down on a Puppy Bjorn, this mom got thrifty.

16. When all your friends are having babies, and you’re just like:

17. Front middle center: A dog mom who GETS how to throw her dog child the party of his dreams.