All paws on deck! Barkbear the Pirate is rounding up the savviest scallywags from all the sniffin’ seas to join his crew! If ye’ve got a fine nose for Sniffin’ Booty, then raise your tail and set sail for playtime! Have fun, salty seadogs—and stay off the poop deck!
BarkBox Theme Reveal: Sniffin’ Booty: A Pirate’s Tail
Canine Ball Cannon

TREATS IN THE HOLE! Toss a snack into this cannon and load it with the tennis ball so your pup can have a playtime blast. FETCH WHEN READY!
Sniffin’ Booty

Your pup can squeak this bounty all to themselves, or they can share it with…oh yeah. Pirate. Hide a treat inside to make playtime even richer. And remember to take a #barkboxday pic of your dog mid-plunder.
Barkbear the Pirate

Many a seadog has tried to hornsnuggle ol’ Barkbear out of his booty, but he always gets the last squeak. Take a #barkboxday pic of your pup staging their latest muttiny.
Scallywag Sword

They may have battened down the hatches, but there’s one thing those scallywags didn’t count on: a toy, matey! Take a #barkboxday pic of your dog mid-swashbuckle.
Treasure Wrap

Your pup can’t go sniffin’ for booty without a map! Toss in a few treats, roll it up, and fasten it so your dog can add some drool stains for authenticity. Take a #barkboxday pic before your pup gets marooned.
Get this toy in the Double Deluxe box—upgrade your account to add two additional toys and two extra bags of treats this month!
Sea Legs Ollie

Which of Ollie’s whip-n-flip limbs will your pup find most fetching? The 5 that are i-tentacle? Or the one that looks just like a stick? Whichever they chews, it’s all legs on deck!
Get this toy in the Double Deluxe box—upgrade your account to add two additional toys and two extra bags of treats this month!
Seadog Grog

Son of a biscuit licker! If you catch your lil’ barkaneer taking a pull from this jug, grab the reinforced strap for a game of tug-o-war! Or go on account and take a #barkboxday pic of your dog getting their rummy tubbed.
Get this toy in the Double Deluxe box—upgrade your account to add two additional toys and two extra bags of treats this month!
Mr. Shmeep

Mr. Shmeep used to be a lamb-lubber, but now he’s all aboard to be first playmate! Stow some treats beneath Shmeep’s shirt and fasten it for a playtime reward. What a shear delight!
Get this toy in the Double Deluxe box—upgrade your account to add two additional toys and two extra bags of treats this month!
BarkBox “Sniffin’ Booty: A Pirate’s Tail” Collection

Super Chewer Theme Reveal: Sniffin’ Booty: A Pirate’s Tail
Pieces Of Ate

Add some treats to this rubber toy for a more rewarding game of fetch. And don’t forget to take a #superchewer pic of your pup sniffin’ some booty.
Barkbear the Pirate Ball

Ahoy, muttey! Is your seadog up for a game of fetch? If your pup chews through the fabric cover, they’ll discover Barkbear’s squeakret booty: a bonus rubber toy!

Is your dog ready to earn their sea legs? This toy has a wacky wobble so it’s more challenging for your pup to batten down during chew sessions. After your pup has swabbed this deck with drool, toss it in the dishwasher to keep it shipshape.
Super Scallywag Sword

If your dog wants to join Barkbear’s chew crew, they’d better sharpen their gnawing skills. Luckily, this solid nylon toy has a bacon scent and unique chew points to keep them on point.
Get this toy in the Double Deluxe box—upgrade your account to add two additional toys and two extra bags of treats this month!
Dog Grog Growler

Is your pup ready to stage a muttiny? Grab hold of the reinforced nylon strap to start a game of tug-of-war. But don’t be surprised if your dog becomes drunk with power.
Get this toy in the Double Deluxe box—upgrade your account to add two additional toys and two extra bags of treats this month!
Let’s Get Kraken

Thar she throws! Toss this toy outside for a game of fetch, or let your little swashbuckler settle in for a satisfying chew session.
Treasure Yap

In search of a toy to make your dog’s taily-wag? This solid nylon map features a mint scent and gnaw-friendly textures for legendary chew sessions.
Weight For It

This nylon fishing weight is easy for your dog to grab, grip, and gnaw. It’s perfect for outdoor games of fetch, or you can leave it out and see if it gets any bites.
Gold Rush

Everything that glitters isn’t always rubber. But this vanilla-scented toy sure is! Toss it to your treasure-hunting hound for a game of fetch and listen for the sound of squeaks when they strike it rich!
Super Chewer “Sniffin’ Booty: A Pirate’s Tail” Collection