We’ve teamed up with one of our favorite sites, PEOPLE Pets, to bring you and your four-legged friends even more cute photos, celeb pet news, funny videos and must-see stories. Check back every week for new furry fun!
Each of these dogs won People Pets “Click the Cutest” contest last month – so they’re scientifically proven to be adorable! Want your pet to get this honor next month? Enter to play! Scroll down to see some adorable pets!
1. Chompers
Just picture this squeezable Corgi with a Click the Cutest crown on his head. Kay Cee’s pup, who ruled supreme with 1,008 votes, “loves dressing up and hamming it up for the camera!”
2. Tucker
You can’t take a bad photo of Kristin Hirai’s little guy. “All smiles, all the time,” she says of the dog, who received 1,316 Click the Cutest clicks.
3. Beau
With 1,853 votes, Stefani Newman’s rescued Lab definitely deserves a special treat. How about a manicure?
4. Dougie
Time to wake Megan Cooper’s goldendoodle from his winter’s nap. We’re guessing news of his 1,223 votes will help him spring into action!
5. Harlem
Eating her veggies has paid off for Joyce Huang’s pup in more ways than one: 1,585 voters ate her up!
6. Frank
Kimberly Pers’s precious pooch was a rock star at his first vet check-up – and 932 of you can’t wait for his next appointment!
7. Gaige & Zooey
When the temperatures dipped, Georgette Pishotti’s dogs improvised! All of that love warmed the hearts of 1,104 voters.
8. Mayden
Dreams do come true! Mary Ann Morris’s granddog raked in 1,721 votes without batting an eyelash.
9. Roger
Teri Kinder’s pooch – who nabbed 1,578 votes – is a dog of few words. “Roger likes to stare at you to let you know he’s ready to go outside,” she says.
10. Milo
Make a wish! Priya Ramsaywack’s dog has so much to celebrate: three fabulous years of life and 1,095 votes!
Anxious to know more about your favorite pet celebs? View the hottest stories at PEOPLE Pets: 9 Un-FUR-gettable Stars of Puppy Bowl XI, Four Dogs Who Have No Idea What’s Going On, and Dog Eats $23,000 Worth of Wedding Rings. It’s plain to see why they’re one of our favorites!