We decided to paw which dogs experienced the most shame in the past year…
19. Burglar deterrent? #FAIL.
18. “Before you go to the bathroom, there’s something I need to tell you.”
17. This happens every time they let him watch Scarface.
16. Chock full of vitamins A and F. #AbsolutelyFabulous
15. “It was me or the bear.” #AlphaDoge
14. “What Lucky and I do is our business.”
13. Not Spongebob! #YouShouldBeAshamed
12. “I wanted you to have a souvenir.” #NeverLeaveMeAgain
11. “Mom, do you have any more of your special napkins?”
10. Holy crap.
9. “At this point I think I earned it.”
8. There aren’t enough dogs on that show anyway. #AllDogesAllTheTime
7. #BirdsAndDaBees #Part1
6. What’s that smell?
5. “It’s not like you bought it a Sephora.”
4. They’ll never let him watch The Terminator again. #Skynet #Cyberdoge
3. Some elementary school projects don’t go like the teacher intends.
2. Two words: sparkle poops.
1. That’s not a toy. #ItsNotYourToyEither