George Clooney broke all of our hearts back in 2014 when he put a ring on it and married Amal Alamuddin. On top of that he donated the money they got for their wedding photos to charity.
They’ve been dodging baby questions left and right since their wedding, and they finally announced an addition to the family!
You know what they say. First comes ruv, then comes marriage, then comes Millie in the Basset Hound carriage.
REALLY George? It wasn’t enough that you already rescued one dog, you had to go and rescue ANOTHER? It takes some nerve to be so good looking AND such a good person.
Just kidding. We are very excited for Miss Millie. She seems to be settling into her new life pretty well.
Millie had a hard life before her rescue by the San Gabriel Valley Humane Society in California. They found her starving and looking for food outside of a restaurant. I bet she had no idea about the incredible life that awaited her.
Hey George, if there’s any room left in the house, I also know someone who’s up for adoption. (Me)