Mutka is an 18-month-old Great Dane from Finland, and he’s channeling his inner Robin Williams. Over a period of weeks, the pup’s human, Krista Aalto, has managed to capture his absolutely infectious facial expressions.
Not since Williams himself have we seen such comedic timing and delivery. Judging from these pictures, this gleeful canine is an improvisational genius. We dare you not to guffaw at these one-of-a-kind mugs:
Check out Mutka doing his fake sneeze bit.
He has his Gene Simmons impersonation down to a science.
Mutka even has the comedic chops to pull off other animals. Check out that spot-on frog impersonation.
Mutka’s third tongue pic. He really is a comedic genius—he already knows about the comedic rule of three!
AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! (That’s his inner Scooby Doo.)
Whatchu talkin’ bout Mutka?
“Feed me Seymour.” Mutka in his audition for Little Shop of Horrors.
You talkin’ to me? You talkin’ to me?
Have you ever seen such an expressive dog? Seriously, have you ever?
Can’t get enough of Mutka? Neither can we! Be sure to check out Mukta’s Instagram for even more hilarious photos at @whythankyew.
H/t The Daily Mail, Featured Image via @whythankyew/Instagram