Let’s face it, some dogs seem to fit into a human name better than others. It’s becoming pretty trendy to give your dog a human name, and in an age where some couples are choosing dogs over human children, it can save you a lot of questioning when you tell someone your kid’s name is “Riley.”
100 Human Names For Your New Dog
1. Abby
2. Adam
3. Albert
4. Alex
5. Alvin
6. Andy
7. Archie
8. Bailey
9. Barney
10. Ben
11. Betsy
12. Betty
13. Bob/Bobby
14. Bruce
15. Caitlyn
16. Carl
17. Carlos
18. Chad
19. Charlie
20. Chelsea
21. Chuck
22. Cody
23. Cooper
24. Daphne
25. Denisse
26. Dennis
27. Dexter
28. Donna
29. Elliot
30. Elsa
31. Ezra
32. Finn
33. Frank/Frankie
34. Genevieve
35. George
36. Gertrude
37. Gracie
38. Gretchen
39. Harold
40. Harriet
41. Harry
42. Hazel
43. Heather
44. Henry
45. Holly
46. Jack
47. Jake
48. James
49. Jenny
50. Jeremy
51. Jimmy
52. Joey
53. John
54. Julius
55. Karen
56. Kevin
57. Kobe
58. Kyle
59. Lauren
60. Leo
61. Lila
62. Linda
63. Lola
64. Lou/Louie/Louis
65. Louise
66. Lucy
67. Mabel
68. Maggie
69. Martin
70. Maya
71. Michelle
72. Mike
73. Molly
74. Norm
75. Oliver
76. Orville
77. Pearl
78. Penelope
79. Peyton
80. Rachel
81. Ralph
82. Ramon
83. Reggie
84. Ricky
85. Riley
86. Roger
87. Rosie
88. Sam/Sammy/Samantha
89. Shannon
90. Sophie
91. Steve
92. Thelma
93. Tina
94. Toby
95. Todd
96. Vinny
97. Walter
98. Watson
99. Willie
100. Zoey