Just like some dogs bark at well, weird things (dust? why are you barking at dust), sometimes tiny hoomans can make a ruckus about…well…nothing.
Here are 13 children who are making a whole lot of fuss about erm, unusual things, and what their doges think of all this noise.
1. Parent: “I wouldn’t let him ride the wiener dog.”

2. Parent: “He wanted to walk the dog.”

3. Parent: “He wants the dog to eat in the opposite corner.”

4. Parent: “How dare I put him in the chair with no food?”

5. Parent: “Our ‘puppy’ used him for a pillow.”

6. Parent: “The dog was in the way while he was trying to push the chair.”

7. Parent: “He dumped his popcorn out for the dog… and the dog ate it.”

8. Parent: “He’s crying because Prince is walking too fast and he can’t get his leash.”

9. Parent: “I wouldn’t let her ride the dog like a horse.”

10. Parent: “This is a sad boy because I told him he had to stop overflowing the cat food dish.”

11. Parent: I ‘stringed’ his string cheese.”

12. Parent: “He’s oh so very upset that Marley ate her food “all gone” and there’s nothing left in the bowl.”

13. Parent: “This Jack Russell terrier followed him.”