Fact: Ron Swanson of NBC’s Parks and Recreation is a role model to us all. The priceless wisdom that the mustachioed lover of breakfast foods shares with us on every episode is worth applying to our own lives, and dogs have already figured it out.
Here are 12 dogs who faithfully apply the teachings of Ron Swanson in their daily lives.
1. Would you like some salad?
2. You should always put 100% into everything you do. Including licking your own butt.
3. Don’t be a Yes Dog.
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4. Don’t be afraid to smile sometimes. But don’t overdo it.
5. Bananas are not to be trusted.
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6. Birthdays are weird and you should want no part in them.
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7. Tiny humans and tiny pups are exhausting and you should avoid them whenever possible.
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8. Bacon. ’nuff said.
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9. Life is too short to eat slowly. Attack the noms. ATTACK THEM WITH FURY!
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10. Don’t apologize for who you are.
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11. It’s okay to be cranky…
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12. …but don’t be afraid to let loose sometimes!
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