Pawsibly the coolest dog that’s ever lived died earlier this week. Tillman the English Bulldog, more famously known as “Tillman the Skateboarding Dog” passed away late Tuesday night.
Tillman’s owner and best buddy, Ron Davis wrote about the sad news in a Facebook post:
I’m sorry to announce the world lost a true legend… My best bud Tillman passed away last night, of natural causes. We…
Posted by Tillman on Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Tillman’s celebri-dog status began in 2007 when a video of one-year old Tillman went viral. In the video, the so-cute-I-can’t-stand-it Tillman skateboards (better than I ever could) down a street and looks irresistibly happy and utterly in his element. The video has almost 22 millions views, and was the focal point of a 2007 iPhone commercial.
In 2009, he was awarded the Guinness World Record for World’s Fastest Skateboarding Dog. Tillman wasn’t just an esteemed skateboarder, though, he was also a trailblazer! Thanks to Tillman, four-legged, meatball-shaped athletes around the world, took the skating scene by storm! Skateboarding dogs became a bone-a-fide trend, and the hottest dog-training trick among pup pawrents. The skating park was the new agility course.
Tillman’s badass-ery didn’t stop at the park. After mastering the turf, Tillman hit the surf.
And come winter time, Tillman was shredding the slopes.
But more than a world-class athlete, Guinness World Record Holder, reality TV star, and canine icon, Tillman was a great friend, and a very, very, good boy.
Ron Davis, told the Los Angeles Times:
He was my best friend, my brother and my shadow, and when it was show time, it was amazing. He made millions and millions of people smile throughout the world. He was a little 60-pound butterball of inspiration for a lot of people.
Our condolences to Ron Davis, he and Tillman were lucky to have had each other. All dogs go to heaven, but I’m sure they’ve got some pretty gnarly skate parks in the sky, as well.
H/t and Featured image via CNN