As part of Pit Bull Fridays, we at BarkPost asked you to #ShowUsYourPitties–and boy did you ever!
Here are a few of the sweetest you sent to us so far to accompany 5 myths of Pit Bulls debunked!
1. “Pit Bull” is not actually a breed. Instead, it’s a type of dog that has certain characteristics.
2. Contrary to many people’s perceptions, Pit Bulls do not have locking jaws.
A photo posted by Captain Jack Aaron, CGC (@captain_jack_cgc) on
3. Likewise, Pit Bulls are not inherently vicious. They are in fact extremely friendly, eager-to-please loyal pups. In fact, 84.1% of Pit Bulls passed the good temperament test run by the American Temperament Test Association, a higher average than Golden Retrievers, Beagles, and Border Collies.
4. It is untrue that Pit Bulls don’t feel pain. After all, they do have a nervous system exactly like every other dog.
5. Additionally, Pit Bulls do not have more bite pressure per inch (PSI) than other dogs, and the rumor that they have 16,000 PSI is absolutely false, as proved by Dr. Brady Barr of the National Geographic in a test.
Check out our latest Pit Bull Fridays episode below! For more #pittiepower tune in to the BarkBox Facebook every Friday at 2:30pm EST where we talk all Pittie all the time and feature an adoptable Pit Bull who needs a furever home!
We’re with the ASPCA meeting Cocoa for #PitBullFridays ! #ShowUsYourPittiesFor more information on Cocoa, Clara and the Valentine’s Day ASPCA special, go to >>>
Posted by BarkBox on Friday, February 12, 2016