From the luxe and plush to the utterly ridogulous, here’s a bunch of stuff that is also made for dogs. Let’s just say some of these are going to make you question what humanity has been up to.
1. Say arf for ice cream!
May not be super weird on the strange to downright bonkers scale, but it’s still quite funny to walk down the frozen section of your local grocery store and see this stuff. Plus if your pup’s been naughty, you can say, “No ice cream for you tonight! You’ve been grounded.” And then laugh evilly.
2. Barkin’ boozers, there’s beer for the doges!
I mean it’s HIGH TIME, that you got the chance to enjoy a brewski with your best bud. And we’re not talking about your hooman brosef.
3. Someone say it’s time for tea? Why don’t you Woof and Brew some?
Hey! Don’t judge! Dogs enjoy high tea just as much as the next pup. Now if they could get some scones to go with it, they’d be peachy. Oh… wait. Here’s some.
4. Doggles for your doge’s inner Maverick.
Tell me good sirs and madams. Is it right that we get to don some bad-ass Top Gun esque Ray Bans while our pooches suffer the harsh light of the blinding sun? No? I thought so.
5. Fancy schmancy purse time for those Park Avenue pups.
Deep down, I know that all of us out there want our dogs to look like Kim K. Well here’s the first step to getting there.
6. Nail Pawlish for the pooches who ruv pampering.
In the Kim K. pup transformation, this would be step 2.
7. Pawfumes for the canine Kardashians.
And finally, the transformation wouldn’t be complete with out a spritz of your pup’s signature scent. Am I right? Or am I right?
8. Doggie Treadmills for those buff Busters.
Your dog will need this if you want him/her to work it, twerk it, flip it and reverse it.
9. Pooch Pedometer for workout woofers.
Keeping track of calories burned is SOOOOOOO in, you guys! You don’t get to fit and trim without watching your weight!
10. Puppy Tweets for the social media savvy pup.
It’s just not fair that you have your smartphone. You can hop on the Twitter app and share your thoughts with the world. What about your dog’s thoughts? Huh? Huh? They deserve the right to tweet their thoughts. So there.
11. Stress relieving doggy spa for the dog that’s had THAT kinda day.
Ah luxury. We may not have it for ourselves, but our dogs? They deserve a daily spa experience. After all, they work out way more than we do, anyway.
12. Snuggie for snuggles.
No comment. The commercial will explain it all. Happy watching!
13. Doggie Bjorn.
They are our babies after all. Plus we don’t want their paws getting dirty…just let ’em sit pretty in these fabulous inventions.
14. High-chair happiness.
Do you sit down at the dinner table only to realize you’re missing something? …Or someone? With this high-chair, you can come home and sit down to a meal together with your dog! Awwwwww…..
15. Port-a-potty for doggies.
We get our privacy when we have to y’know… go. So should our dogs. Plus this is quite literally a port-a-potty.
16. Butt Art.
Umm because dogs butts need a little somethin’ extra. And we’ve got those Juicy Couture velour pants. Remember those?
17. Dog Thongs.
Nuff’ said.
18. Neuticals for those with a lost ball complex.
Apparently, when boy dogs are neutered they seem to miss their testicles. Therefore, Neuticals! AKA fake testicles.
Ummm. So in the course of this post, I also found — Doga (Dog Yoga), Wacky wigs just for doges, mineral water for them and so much more. But i figured, that like me, you’d had enough weird to last you a year.
Featured image via Pants for Dogs and Amazon