We’re the last people to judge less than elegant table manners. These pups take nonsense eating to a whole new level though, whether taking on the real challenge of sticky peanut butter, or simply biting off more than they can chew.
1. “The seasoning is perfect but the texture is a little tough.”
2. Pure blissface.
3. “Eating my veggies so I can grow big and strong.”
4. “Something’s gone horribly wrong.”
5. More of a lick than a chew, but still amazing.
6. “Give up the tangelo and no one gets hurt.”
7. A highly skeptical chew face.
8. Utterly wide-eyed with delight.
9. “Stand back, everyone. I’ve got this.”
10. Another peanut butter gif because CLASSIC.
11. “I don’t know what a birthday is, but I like it!”
12. Roly-poly wrinklebutt here is so excited to be chewing, he can’t stay on his feet.
13. “Summer is the freaking best.”
14. You missed a little bit on your lip there, big fella.
15. Never enough peanut butter face. Never.