If you take your pup off their leash for outdoor activities, make sure their microchips or GPS trackers are up to date! Because safe dogs really are more fun. 🙂
There are many advantages to being a dog, from infinite belly rubs to using the world as their toilet. But probably dog’s greatest privilege is their freedom to frolic around the beach naked without the police being called. Below, 15 dogs who are further exploiting that right by wearing nothing at all (not even a collar).
1. “Welcome to the beach. Clothing optional (if you’re not a hooman).”
2. “Bottoms up!”
“Do you have to make that joke EVERY time?”
3. “I rolled in the sand, I sniffed the sand, I dug holes in the sand, and I did it all naked. I REGRET NOTHING!”
4. “I woke up this way–flawless.”
5. “So you find naked beach frolicking overrated? Okay, well that’s, like, your opinion, man.”
6. “Such aerodynamic!”
7. “SO, to the secret Corgi meeting spot again?” #Shhhhhhhh
8. This pooch couldn’t help recreating that famous beach scene from From Here to Eternity (sans Deborah Kerr, of course).
9. “SOON.”
10. “There’s only one thing to do at a moment like this: strut.”
11. “Hark, now hear the sailors cry, smell the sea, and feel the sk— Excuse me? What do you want?”
12. “Bark…ark….rk…?”
13. “I came to get down, I came to get down, so get off your paws and jump around!”
14. “So humans, jealousss much?”
15. “Sorry, but if you expect me to take this collar off in public, you’re nuts.”
Featured image by @thesoulproject