There’s a reason you see oodles of doodles everywhere these days. They’re all unique in their own doodly way, but if they share one quality, it’s that they’re all basically dogs trapped in the body of a teddy bear. So without further adoodle, here are some things every doodle dog parent understands:
1. They’re basically fluffy people. They can reason with you (very well, we might add) with their eyes.
2. They’ve perfected the head tilt and let you know when they’re listening intently.
3. You know the struggle to stop at just one doodle is very, very real.
4. If it’s near the edge, it’s theirs. Doodles are professional counter surfers.
5. They belong in Sock Snatchers (or shoes, gloves, bras, undies!) Anonymous.
6. It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s Superdoodle! They somehow defy gravity when running!
7. Balls! Rubber balls. Tennis balls. Any balls. Instant love affair.
Related Article: Join The Tennis Ball Club To Get 3 Themed, Squeaky Balls Delivered Monthly For Your Dog
8. They sure do love to play, but they also have a quiet side. They can actually get a little lazy…
9. Doodles are a part of the family, perhaps even the CENTER of the family! They love to steal the spotlight.
10. Their expressions are almost humanlike, and boy do they know how to work it. When doodles give you the side-eye, you know they mean business.
11. When dropping your doodle off at the groomer, the phrase “Don’t poodle my doodle” has come out of your mouth.
12. They are extremely intuitive (maybe a little too much), which makes them excellent therapy dogs!
13. When people pass you on the street, you expect comments and questions. You might as well have your pup wear a sign that says, “Yes, I am a doodle.”
14. ZOOMIES. Those moments when your doodle gets briefly possessed, acts insane, and quickly dashes around the room for no apparent (but very important) reason.
15. Who knew?! Doodles are hound dogs at heart! They can sniff out any paper product a mile away.
16. You’ve caught your pup in “the doodle pose”—sleeping on his back, paws in the air, neck bent to one side.
17. You may never do anything alone again. Doodles will never, ever leave your side (EVER). And you would never want them to.
Want to be a doodle parent, too? Check out your local rescue for oodles of poodle mixes! and the AKC Rescue Network are awesome resources to find just the right pup.
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